Baden-Powell Guild
- The B-P Guild of Old Scouts was inaugurated in Great Britain in 1948 & in 1955, changed it's name to B-P Scout Guild
- The 1st Guild in NZ in Wanganui East Scout Group in 1950, but the Baden-Powell Guild was registered in 1956, through the Trefoil Guild
- The parent body is the New Zealand Scout and Guide Fellowship Inc. (NZSGF)
- The NZSGF is affiliated to the International Scouts and Guides Fellowship (ISGF) with its Headquarters in Brussels
- The magazine, Te Pukapuka, was first published by Norm & Hazel Skilton in 1968
- The B-P Guild is a member of WOSM (World Organisation of the Scout Movement)
- Baden-Powell Guild is affiliated to ISGF
- B-P Guild is an Associate member of Scouts NZ
- B-P Guild has Branches and Town and Country membership